A curation of open resources and signposts to understanding how country risk can help to define global market expansion plans.
The BTI Transformation Index ” analyzes transformation processes toward democracy and a market economy in international comparison and identifies successful strategies for peaceful change” . It also provides country profiles and regional reports.|
Marsh’s Political Risk Report 2022 focuses on three environments where even the smallest threat may produce planetary effects: ocean, mineral, and space.
How to Evaluate Country Risk either in the North American region, the Asian region, Europe , Middle East and Latin America|
Definitions of Country Risk are based on sovereign default or Insurance Risk. A.M. Best defines country risk (read the methodology) as the risk that country-specific factors could adversely affect an insurer’s ability to meet its financial obligations.
Country risk profiles can be used to provide more in-depth information on risk in a particular country. INFORM country risk profiles contain more in-depth information on each country. In addition to the results in the global list, country risk profiles show trends, comparisons with countries with similar risk, regional and income-group averages and more information at the indicator level.
CCKP’s Climate Risk Country Profiles present a high-level assessment of physical climate risks for a country, providing insight for decision-makers into the potential for increasing, expanding, and emerging risks across space and time, and for different climate futures.
The Basel Anti-Money Laundering Index is an independent ranking and risk rating tool that assesses money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) country risk around the world.
“The Atradius Risk Map is drawn from a range of sources and features the STAR rating system. This is a system devised by the Atradius Economic Research Team for assessing country risk, including different political and economic risks, or civil unrest and conflict“.
Other sites that can help include:
OECD country risk classification |A.M. Best |Credendo |
COFACE Country Risk |
Defining country risk |
How to Evaluate Country Risk |
Analysing country risk | Other Country Risk Analysis & Risk Ratings Websites | Alacra|