Focusing on the US, Japan, Germany and China—four large economies that make up almost half of the world’s GDP—this article analyses each of their growth stories independently and comparatively. None of these economies were doing well by historical measures, years after the financial crisis of 2008. The article addresses possible reasons for this slow growth, and which country might lead growth into the future.>>ClickHere>>>
Tag: demographics
Mobile Divides in Emerging Economies
As ownership of mobile phones, especially smartphones, spreads rapidly across the globe, there are still notable numbers of people in emerging economies who do not own a mobile phone, or who share one with others, >>ClickHere>>>
World’s population is projected to nearly stop growing by the end of the century
For the first time in modern history, the world’s population is expected to virtually stop growing by the end of this century, due in large part to falling global fertility rate >>>ClickHere>>>
10 projections for the global population in 2050
A new Pew Research Center report examines global public opinion on the challenges posed by aging populations and analyzes projections for the populations in the U.S. and in 22 other countries. Here are 10 major findings regarding the demographic future of the world’s population in 2050. >>>ClickHere>>>