Tools and Resources centre

Connectivity for Caribbean countries : an initial assessment

Their vital relation with the Caribbean Sea is a defining factor for the many cultures, languages and countries that co-exist in the Caribbean. This factor acts as both the most important vehicle and as their most challenging obstacle to connect with the world, and represents the starting point for every single discussion around Caribbean states: the fact that they are sea-locked countries (for most), small economies, with a high level of vul¬nerability to natural disasters and a geographic location that calls for regional cooperation and integration. Two of these the fact that they are sea-locked and their location in the Caribbean pose critical and unchangeable barriers to maximizing the development of their infrastructure and connectivity. In consequence, exchanges of goods and services with the rest of the world are limited to air and maritime transport modes, logistics costs are gen¬erally higher, and they face a disproportionate risk disruption due to natural disasters. This all translates into a cost premium for developing both infrastructure and transport services, regardless of the degree of efficiency of the investment decision process
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Global Strategy and Organization

This subject focuses on the specifics of strategy and organization of the multinational company, and provides a framework for formulating successful and adaptive strategies in an increasingly complex world economy. Topics include the globalization of industries, the continuing role of country factors in competition, organization of multinational enterprises, and building global networks
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Global Strategy and Organization

Companies today confront an increasing array of choices regarding markets, locations for key activities, outsourcing and ownership modes, and organization and processes for managing across borders. This course provides students with the conceptual tools necessary to understand and work effectively in today’s interconnected world by developing strategic perspectives that link this changing environment, the state of the global industry, and the capabilities and position of the firm.

The goal of this subject is to provide the foundations for taking effective action in the multi-layered world of international business. The first section of the course provides frameworks for identifying and taking advantage of the opportunities presented in a dynamic global environment at the level of the country and industry. The second section of the course focuses on firm-level strategic choices regarding where to engage in which activities. The third section focuses on the challenges of integrating the multiple perspectives, functions, and interests that constitute the multinational firm.


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Doing Business in Central America and the Dominican Republic 2015

Doing Business in Central America and the Dominican Republic 2015 compares business regulations in 6 Central American countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama) and the Dominican Republic. In addition to the capitals, the study collects data related to 15 subnational locations regarding regulations that affect 3 stages in the life of a small to medium-size domestic firm: starting a business, dealing with construction permits and registering property. The study also analyzes the indicator of trading across borders, considering 7 main ports and 3 secondary ports. Moreover, it includes a gender perspective based on the study of laws and regulations that impose differential treatment for women.
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