A collection of writing and thoughts on global issues

96 hours of happiness. A billion people celebrating
Cars are dying and are in danger of becoming extinct.
A quick note on India's 8.2% GDP growth rate.
An eclectic geopolitical dramaturgy 
The business of global Internet access – Violation of a fundamental human right?
The Indian Avatar of Democracy
The great Indian Tamasha
Putin,the EU and the return of the Black Sea spring
To GDP or not to GDP
The Global Business of keeping America solvent
National Champions and the Rise of protectionism from the East
Will the Egyptian sphinx smile or cry?
The Economic implications of a Royal wedding
On why Dubai wants a piece of India's real estate?
The OBAMA encirclement of China
The Emergence of a powerful state within a neo-liberal conversation
The Elephant trumpeting at the Dragon
In the name of a just God
Why 'revolution' is the new buzz word in the MENA region?
When flying machines refuse to fly?
Still on the aircrafts
From raising chickens to running an english club
Oman’s Transition and the legitimacy of autocratic rule